Top 10 HR KPIs to Track

We’ll be discussing the top 10 HR KPIs that are crucial for managing your team's performance!

Reviewed by:
Javeria Khan
September 11, 2024
0 min read time
Ramsha Jameel
Creative Copywriter
Creative Copywriter
Ramsha Jameel
September 11, 2024
0 min read time
Key take aways

The HR department, often referred to as an organization's beating heart, holds the responsibility of nurturing its most prized possession: its workforce. The performance and dedication of employees are the lifeblood of any organization, and HR plays a pivotal role in fostering a workforce that is productive and deeply engaged, driving the company toward its goals. In this ever-evolving and people-centric realm, it becomes increasingly crucial to gauge and oversee the effectiveness of HR operations, and this is precisely where Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) assume their significance.

Human Resource Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are particular measures cautiously constructed to assess the success of an organization's HR procedures. They give essential insights to HR managers, allowing them to analyze their departments' performance, find development areas, and make educated, data-based decisions. HR KPIs are, in essence, the compass that guides HR managers toward effective workforce management.

This article delves into HR KPIs, highlighting the top ten critical indicators that HR managers, executives, and departments should closely monitor. By the conclusion of this thorough article, you'll have a firm grasp of these essential HR KPIs, allowing you to improve the performance of your HR department and promote organizational success. Let's take this captivating journey into the world of HR metrics and learn how they might help your HR efforts. But first, let us understand the actual meaning of HR KPI metrics.

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What are HR KPI metrics?

HR KPIs, or Human Resource Key Performance Indicators, are measurable metrics used by HR professionals to evaluate workforce performance. They offer insights into HR's contribution to organizational growth, serving as a guide for HR managers, executives, and stakeholders to align HR with strategic goals.

These KPIs cover areas like talent acquisition, engagement, retention, training, and diversity, enabling data-driven decisions to enhance personnel management.

In the following sections, we will explore the top HR KPIs organizations should track to drive HR excellence and achieve their business objectives.

List of Top 10 HR KPIs That Drive Business Success

Out of many, we have found and listed these HR KPIs that businesses should consider including in organization’s HR strategy:

1. Employee Engagement

Tracking employee engagement is a crucial HR KPI. Engaged workers perform better, quit their jobs less frequently, and take fewer unscheduled days off. Sometimes merely asking employees if they are fulfilled isn't sufficient. It's crucial to learn how much employees respect their jobs and how many of them want to stay with the same company for a long period.

It is critical to solicit input from your employees on a regular basis in order to measure employee engagement. Tools like Poll Everywhere enable you to conduct anonymous surveys and polls to gather their input. To enhance engagement further, consider providing periodic salary increases. Sharing a hike letter can add value to this process, demonstrating to employees that they are appreciated within the organization. This practice encourages longer-term commitment and job satisfaction.

2. Time to Hire

Time to hire measures how long it takes to fill a job vacancy. You calculate it by counting the days from posting a job to selecting a candidate. These days professional HRs make a virtual business card and attach the card with job details and company information to track how and when candidates engage with the hiring form.This KPI assesses recruitment efficiency and spotlights areas needing improvement.

A prolonged hiring process may indicate problems with job descriptions or skill requirements. To monitor this HR KPI, review previous recruitment data or utilize software like Greenhouse or Workday. These tools not only measure time to hire but also improve the hiring process, facilitating faster employee onboarding within organizations.

3. Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric that assesses employees' loyalty to their organization. It gauges the likelihood of employees recommending their company to others, reflecting their overall sentiment.

A high employee NPS indicates a strong company culture and employee satisfaction. To calculate it, survey employees and subtract the percentage of those unlikely to recommend the company from those who would. This KPI contributes to enhancing company culture and attractiveness to potential hires, thereby contributing to overall organizational success.

4. Cost-Per-Hire

Cost-per-hire is a crucial HR Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that measures the average expenses incurred during the recruitment and hiring process for a new employee. It encompasses various costs, including job advertising, agency fees, background checks, and other related expenses.

In organizations, calculating cost-per-hire serves as a crucial gauge for evaluating the efficiency of their recruitment processes and resource allocation. A lower cost-per-hire signifies cost-effective hiring practices, while a higher figure may signal the need for process improvements to control expenses while upholding the quality of talent acquisition. This KPI plays a pivotal role in helping HR professionals fine-tune their recruitment strategies to achieve economic efficiency.

5. Absenteeism Rate

The absenteeism rate measures the number of days employees are absent from work. It helps identify excessive absenteeism, potentially signaling morale or management issues. Frequent employee absence can disrupt deadlines and projects.

Also Read: What are Employee Absenteeism Metrics?

HR managers should establish policies for tracking and categorizing absences, like vacation or sick leave, and set annual leave limits. Attendance management software, like Comply Advantage, simplifies tracking and can reduce absenteeism rates by ensuring better attendance management.

6. Workforce Training and Development

An organization's training activities are evaluated for effectiveness using the KPI meter of training and development. It's essential because it enables businesses to evaluate the effects of their investment in staff training on output, retention, and profitability.

Effective programs enhance employee skills, knowledge, and competencies, driving productivity, innovation, and profitability. Monitoring training and development KPIs helps identify program gaps, evaluate effectiveness, and develop strategies to enhance training quality.

7. Diversity Metrics

Diversity metrics help HR professionals evaluate how diverse their organization is. They study the demographics of the workforce to find gaps and make improvements. The diversity rate measures progress in creating an inclusive workplace.

Tracking it involves looking at metrics like the number of women in management and employees from various ethnic backgrounds. Tools like Workable software simplify monitoring and identify areas for improvement, making it easier to track progress toward diversity and inclusion goals.

8. Time to Productivity

Time to productivity is a crucial HR KPI that measures the duration it takes for new hires to become fully productive employees. This metric assesses the efficiency of the onboarding and training processes. A shorter time to productivity indicates that employees can contribute to the organization's goals sooner, which is cost-effective and enhances overall workforce efficiency.

Monitoring this KPI helps HR professionals identify bottlenecks in the onboarding process and implement strategies to accelerate the integration of new employees into the company's operations, ultimately driving business success.

9. Employee Retention Rate

Employee retention is a critical HR KPI, reflecting employee job satisfaction and their intention to remain with the organization. A high retention rate signifies contentment, while a low rate suggests dissatisfaction, potentially leading to turnover.

However, implementing effective retention strategies to keep valuable employees can be challenging, and the costs of losing such talent are significant. Consistent monitoring of retention rates enables proactive identification of issues and corrective actions to retain talent.

Measuring this vital KPI entails tracking various HR metrics. Talent management programs are valuable for pinpointing the most relevant HR metrics, ensuring the preservation of valuable human capital

10. Workplace Accidents

An important HR KPI for tracking occurrences and injuries at work is the number of workplace accidents. It assists businesses in identifying possible risks and safety gaps and monitors employee safety and wellbeing.

HR professionals may proactively develop safety measures, training programs, and protocols to lower the risk of injuries and promote a safer working environment by regularly monitoring workplace incidents. In addition to protecting workers, reducing workplace accidents helps the company avoid negative legal and financial outcomes, which boosts overall corporate performance.


In the dynamic landscape of modern business, HR professionals wield a powerful tool in the form of Key Performance Indicators. By diligently tracking the top HR KPIs discussed in this comprehensive guide, organizations can unlock a wealth of insights into their workforce, enhancing employee satisfaction, engagement, and overall performance. These metrics are not just numbers; they are strategic beacons guiding HR departments toward optimal workforce management. As we conclude this journey through HR KPIs, remember that informed decisions, backed by data, are the cornerstone of HR excellence and business success.