Video assessment details
Candidate status in video assessment
Candidates are displayed in a table format with columns:
Name (Candidate's name), Interview Rating, Date (Action date), Job (Associated job),
Status, which can include:
- Complete (Green): Candidate completed the assessment.
- Invite Sent (Gray): Invite sent but not yet started.
- In Progress (Yellow): Candidate is currently working on the assessment.
- Invite Expired (Red): Assessment link expired after the set duration.
If an error occurs (e.g., technical issues or connection failures), a warning triangle will appear next to the candidate's row.
Change Status:
Use the dropdown at the top to change the status of the video assessment (e.g., from Active to Paused or vice versa).
Archive Assessment:
Easily archive any video assessment from the detail view using the archive button.
In the Video Assessment tab of the profile, you can:
- Review the candidate's Interview Rating and Details.
- Check the Interview Questions to evaluate their responses.